Here you can see the type of massages I perform and the rates of each of them.
You can enjoy bed massage, but if your desire is to be able to relate to me by giving me kisses and caresses or performing practices such as penetration, you have to choose my conventional escort services. These massages that I offer have another approach and it is better that we avoid situations that can be uncomfortable for both.
Come to my paradise and let my hands run through your body to make you shiver with pleasure.
My knowledge of chiromassage and erotic touch combined in a very dedicated and professional way will awaken feelings of fullness and well-being that will accompany you for a long time.
If you have any questions, you can write to me by email to or Telegram @NaraBarcelona and I will be happy to solve it.

Types of massages and rates


Decontracting massage, erotic touch techniques throughout the body, body-body and end of manual stimulation.

  • 1 hour 200€
  • 90 minutes 300 €


Complete four-handed massage made with one of my masseuse friends.
(Check rates, it depends on my colleague’s fees)


Just for women. Sensitive and decontracting massage, body-body, erotic touch techniques throughout the body, full genital stimulation, cunilingus and anal stimulation (if desired).

  • 1 hour 150
  • 90 minutes 200€


Decontracting massage, erotic touch techniques throughout the body, body-body, prostate massage and end of manual stimulation.

  • 1 hour 200€
  • 90 minutes 300

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